Los Angeles Stripper

A private lap dance from a Los Angeles stripper

You’re going to be sadly disappointed if you think it would be easy to go home with a Los Angeles stripper. The exotic dancers who work inside of most LA’s gentlemen’s clubs are more likely to go home by themselves than they are with you. Even if you are convincing enough to take a stripper home, you have 100 more qualified dudes in the same strip club trying to pull off the same miracle. There are a few reasons why you’re not getting any tonight.

First, it is financially beneficial for the females in Los Angeles to work inside the gentlemen’s clubs as an exotic dancer because they make a whole lot more money than they would if they were a waitress. A majority of the female strippers in Los Angeles are trying to make it as a model or actress, and unless you’re casting director for the next reality show, have a tiny chance of scoring some extracurricular activities with drawn curtains in the VIP booths.

Also, gentlemen’s clubs inside Los Angeles has security that rivals national airports compared to strip clubs in other cities. Club owners have understood the importance of how extra security and tight surveillance has an impact on the quality of clientele that comes in to spend money. The reduction of gentlemen attendees who freeload or don’t spend enough creates an atmosphere of big spenders who would line the pockets, or G-strings, of the most attractive female strippers in Los Angeles.

This leads me to the final point, which is the level of competition to sleep with the same stripper is higher than any other city including New York and Las Vegas. Unless you are a masterful linguist with a doctorate in female intellect, it is hard to compete against the fat wallets who own production Studios and drive Lamborghini Gallardos. Don’t worry, you can still pick up Los Angeles girls in your Cavalier.

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